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Win a Free Ticket to Web Directions North!
Digital Web Magazine on how to win a full pass to Web Directions North, in Vancouver, Canada, February 6-10, 2007
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Groups Wiki: Ajax’d WYSIWYG Wiki
Ben Nolan has created his take on an ajax'd up wysiwyg wiki called GroupsWiki.
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Digital Divide: The Three Stages
Jakob Nielsen of on the three stages of the digital divide
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Beneath the Metadata
Elaine Peterson of D-Lib Magazine on some Philosophical Problems with Folksonomy
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Play buttons and YouTube’s interface
Matt of 37 Signals examines a big reason why the external player was so effective
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The Most Common SEO Mistakes Big Brands Commit
Eight common SEO mistakes from the team at SEOmoz
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The electronic gentleman or why usability is the first step to interactive sexyness
The Information Architects Japan team on eight topics of usability
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Add Snap Previews to Any Site For Free
One thing people really like about the Snap search engine is that it gives a large preview screen of every search result
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Anatomy of a Drag and Drop
The mechanics of a drag and drop are pretty interesting and most library implementations do similar things
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Complete Snapshot
An Alexa like service for gauging a web site's popularity with fancy stats and graphs. 50% more fluff!